

A bit about me…

Hello! I am so glad you have found yourself here. And I am really thrilled to be able to offer MotherCircle here in Pasadena, California. I am a mother to a sweet and funny two year old. I am also a licensed therapist with a jungian and somatic background. How do I balance such things as caring for my child and participating in my career, both of which I love dearly? I don’t know! Figuring it out as I go. I like to say that I straddle the worlds - I am a spiritual practitioner and a lover of all things deep, meaningful and magical. I am comfortable in unknown spaces and helping others to hold the same. I also am very grounded, practical and I love solving problems! I am a lover of music and dancing and being in community.

I am a certified MotherCircle Facilitator as trained by Kimberly Ann Johnson and Jessica Connelly at www.MotherCircle.com. MotherCircle curriculum is the work of Kimberly Ann Johnson, Author of The Fourth Trimester (www.kimberlyannjohnson.com) and Jessica Connelly, founder of Moon Daughters (www.moondaughters.com).